Finance and Operations working as one

Connect financial data with your operational systems and customer portal for a holistic view of your business.

Specialised supply chain features

Frictionless integrations, detailed branch reporting, customised statementing, contractor managment and advanced debtors receipting configured to exact requirements.

Configured by financial system experts

Leverage the collective knowledge and insights of our financial system experts who understand the complexities of supply chain accounting.

 Built on proven financial expertise



Origin Finance leverages the power of OnAccount, a leading financial management system, and optimises it specifically for the supply chain.

Our team excel in tackling high transaction volumes, difficult integration models, complex or unique accounting or reporting processes. Our combined industry experience gives us an expert, realistic understanding of business challenges.


Connect your finances to your operations

  • Get a complete picture of your business with real-time access to key metrics like branch profitability, cost breakdowns, and account balances.
  • Seamless two-way integration optimises efficiency and provides transparency of information without the need to log into multiple systems.
  • Manage account settings in one system, synchronised automatically.
  • Never miss a transaction. Reconciliations between systems are a thing of the past.

Your complete Supply Chain financial solution



Origin Finance is fully integrated with the Origin platform, ensuring your financial and operational data work together seamlessly. This provides a single source of truth for your business, eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

Real-Time Job Posting

As soon as a job is rated in Origin, the financial data is instantly posted to Origin Finance. This real-time visibility empowers you with up-to-date account balances, enabling better credit control, credit limit management, and proactive customer service.

Flexible Invoice and Statement Cycles

Tailor your invoicing and statementing to meet the unique needs of each customer, improving cash flow and customer satisfaction.

Financial Transparency in Your Customer Portal

Empower your customers with access to their financial information directly within the Origin Customer Portal. Give them the ability to view balances, reprint invoices and statements, and even make payments online.

Templated Configuration

Get up and running quickly with pre-configured templates that accelerate implementation and reduce costs.

Bulletproof Audit Trails

Maintain complete transparency with bi-directional drill-down and drill-through capabilities. Easily trace every transaction back to its source for complete auditability and compliance.

Expert Support

Rely on decades of expertise for ongoing support and guidance.

Optimised features for supply chain

Add time and value to operations with specialised supply chain features.

  • Receivables Management: Offers customised statementing, automated receipting options, credit control management, and DocPack options to streamline and optimise the accounts receivable process.
  • Statementing: Consolidate invoices from different databases, offer flexible statement scheduling, configure statement formats by customer (PDF, CSV), print statement copies at the branch, and provide optional DocPack attachments and automated DD file generation.
  • Contractor Management: Streamline payment processes with a dedicated subledger, TMS integration, BCTI/RCTI generation, chargeback capabilities, customisable payment terms, scheduled payment runs, and the option to attach supporting documents.
  • Detailed Branch and cost centre reporting to analyse revenue and costs.
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